Thursday, 31 October 2019

Te Hui Ahurei o nga kura o Te Tai o Poutini.

On Monday the 23d of September 2019, Te hui Ahurei was held in the Greymouth
regent theatre. when my class and I got to the theatre it was packed to the rim!! Other schools started flooding in a couple of minutes after us. After a little while
of waiting for the first group took the stage, we had to wait a couple of hours
because our group was second too last. Time flew quickly, though. I was a bit nervous at first, but then I seemed to forget about it for a while, though.
We practiced our rehearsal a couple of times and before I knew it,
it was finally time to line up at the back of the stage ready for our performance.
The crowd clapped and cheered as our name got announced, all of a sudden
I was paralyzed, I was quite nervous, well, a bit more nervous than I thought
I would be! We all walked on stage when the call was heard: ``Kōkiri!``.
the crowd went silent… suddenly, before I knew it, we were on the stage,
blinding lights hitting our faces, I couldn’t help but squint! In no time at all,
the guitar started playing the second we got into the first position for our first
song, I started to not feel so nervous anymore! It was quite exciting actually!!
Twenty minutes passed and we were heading off stage. The performance went
very rapidly. We got off the stage and headed back to the building beside the
theater to get changed, then everyone walked back to the theater to have
prize giving!! The primary school went first, they were the overall winner of the
primary schools, then the Area schools, and finally the high schools!! Our school
was also the overall winner!!!! When the day was over we all went to Mcdonalds
to celebrate🍟 It was about 7:30 when we left and the vans arrived back home
around 9:00! It was a big day but a good one😊 NĀ  Lola.

 I te Rahina i te 23d o Mahuru 2019, i tu te hui Ahurei ki te whare tapere o Māwhera. ka peke atu taku karaehe ki te whare tapere kua kapi ki te taha !! Ko etahi o nga kura i timata i te waipuke ki etahi meneti i muri i a matau. I muri i tetahi wa e tatari ana mo te roopu tuatahi i eke ki te atamira, me tatari tatau mo nga haora e rua no te mea he tuarua rawa hoki ta matou roopu. Ko te wa ka tere te tere. I tino taiatea ahau i te tuatahi, engari ka rite ki te wareware ki ahau mo tetahi wa, ahakoa. I whakamahia e matau a matau ano i nga wa e rua, a i mua i taku mohio, koinei te waa ki te hono ki muri o te atamira kua rite mo ta matau mahi. I patipati te mano i te ki o ta matou ingoa i ki ai, ahakoa i te ohorere ahau i te pararutiki, he tino pukuriri au, he pai ake te ahua pouri i taku whakaaro ko au! I haere katoa matou i te papa i te rongonga o te whakaourorua: ' `Kōkiri!``. I noho ohorere te mano ... i mua ake o taku mohio, kua eke matou ki runga i te atamira, me nga rama e whakapakeke ana i o tatou mata, kaore i taea e au te awhina engari ko te piripiri! Kaore rawa i te wa, ka timata te kaiwaiata i te tuarua ka eke matou ki te wahi tuatahi mo ta matau waiata tuatahi, ka timata kaore au e aro ano ki te awangawanga ano! Ko te tino whakaongaonga !! Rua tekau tau meneti kua pahure atu ana ka eke atu matou ki runga atamira. I tere rawa te mahinga. Ka heke atu matou i te atamira ka hoki whakamuri ki te whare i te taha o te whare tapere ki te whakarereke, katahi ka haere nga tangata katoa ki te whare tapere ki te tiki taonga !! I haere tuatahi te kura tuturu, ko ratou tonu te toa o nga kura tuatahi, na, nga kura Takiwa, ka mutu, ko nga kura teitei !! Ko ta matou kura ano te toa o te ao !!!! Ka mutu te ra ka haere katoa matou ki makitānara ki te whakanui, Ko te mea ano ko te 7:30 ka wehe matou ka hoki mai nga waka i te kainga 9:00! He rangi nui tera ra engari he pai tetahi😊 NĀ Lola.



My weekend in chch!

My weekend in Christchurch! Last Saturday weekend, my class went to Christchurch for Disney on ice and I was really excited about the whole trip. On the way to Christchurch, we stopped briefly at Arthurs Pass. Fortunately, there was still snow on the side of the road so we could have a snowball fight. It was quite exhilarating! It was also really freezing, so after a while, my fingers felt numb and like they were going to fall off. After a few more stops on the way, we eventually arrived at Te Pīhopatanga in Christchurch, which was to be our accommodation for the next two nights. I felt exhausted as if we had traveled forever. Later in the evening, we left to go to dinner at The Garden City Hotel Restaurant. Dinner was really yum! When we returned to Te Pīhopatanga, we had some biscuits, performed some kapa haka for a little while, played games like rap slap, blind man’s bluff and we made up some random beats. We finally went to bed around 11:00 pm, tired, happy and looking forward to another action-packed day ahead. Sunday morning, we were up early because tonight we were going to Disney on ice! There were a few hours to fill in until the show so we went into the city to the Palms Mall. Everyone wandered off into stores and other shops. I didn't really know my way around the mall so I sat down by a cafe until everyone returned. I did buy some stuff in the end though. After that, we ended up playing netball on a small court near the Margaret Mahy Park. I couldn't wait until Disney on Ice started, it was so close now!! After our game of netball, we went back to Te Pīhopatanga to get ready for the show. We arrived at the stadium and wandered around for a bit, before going in to find our seats. It was a while until the show started so to occupy myself, I went to buy a drink. Finally, the show started. I was only expecting it to be just Moana, but to my surprise, most of the Disney characters played a part in the show! I was amazed at how the actors could ice skate and perform tricks at the same time. When the show stopped for an intermission, I started to feel a little hungry so I went down from my seat to a man selling medium snow cones, I asked how much they were, he said they were 18 dollars! Wow, that was way more expensive than I had ever anticipated. When the show started again, all the Disney princesses, characters from the Mickey Mouse show, Finding Nemo, and Moana took to the stage, It was miraculous! After the show and to finish our day off, we went to Hell’s pizza for dinner, it was very yum! But, I had a small problem, the... restaurant... was... tiny. They could have at least made it big enough to put a bathroom in. I mean who would want to walk halfway down the street just to go to the toilet? Besides that, the rest of dinner was amazing! We returned to Te Pīhopatanga to have some more fun before getting ready for bed around 12:00, but most of us fell asleep between 1-2:00 am at the earliest. In the morning we packed our bags and put them in the van, because today we were traveling back to Hokitika. I had so much fun in Christchurch that it felt kind of sad knowing that we had to go back… although I was excited to go home. On the way home, we found a spot with even more snow than we did on the way there!! So we all got out of the vans and had another snowball fight! After that, again we jumped in the vans and headed home! it was an amazing weekend!! Na Lola.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Te Hui Ahurei

I te Rahina 23 Mahuru, I haere matau ki Te Hui Ahurei o te Tai o Poutini. Ki toku whakaaro " ko te reo te mauri o te mana Maori"

Monday, 19 August 2019


Anei tētahi tauira o te mahi tāhopumata.

Anei te honongaitua


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Friday, 16 August 2019

He whakatauki.

Tēnā koutou, 

Kei te kura Tuarua o Hokitika ahau i tēnei rangi. Kei te ako mātau pēhea te mahi whakararu i tētahi taupānga kūkura ki tētahi rangitaki.